沼泽冷却器 是相对简单的操作和有更少的电子元件相比 空调. 然而, they still require maintenance and need to be prepped for summer and shutdown in winter to prevent frozen pipes and potential water damage from water left in the cooler lines. Choose TLC for your seasonal cooler inspection and maintenance to make sure your cooler runs properly and cools your home. 确保正确启动冷却器是很重要的, 并在秋天正确关闭它,以防止你的供暖问题 & 冷却系统. 我们看到的许多问题都是由于缺乏适当的维护. 避免麻烦,打电话给TLC关闭你的冷却器. 我们干活的时候,你可以住得又暖和又舒服.
TLC一直在宝博app官网维护沼泽冷却器 & 里约热内卢牧场 for over 35 years so you can feel confident in choosing TLC to professionally startup cooler for spring and summer. 我们的专家在启动所有类型的冷却器和关闭您的炉子方面经验丰富.
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这是我们的20点沼泽冷却器启动检查清单. 记住,适当的 冷却器保养 会帮助您最大限度地提高冷却能力,延长蒸发冷却器的使用寿命吗. TLC的检查和启动将使您的沼泽冷却器准备好让您在这个夏天保持舒适.
我们建议您在温度开始变暖时尽早启动冷却器. You can schedule as far out as you would like but don’t wait to call us until the temperatures are hot! It’s better to plan ahead and get it scheduled now so by the time comes when you need your cooler you can use it rather than suffer in a hot home.
20点沼泽冷却器启动清单 |
清洁冷却器并抽真空 |
清洁泵和分配管 |
包括去除水垢 |
配水管清洗干净,工作正常 |
清洗各面板上的水盘,使水均匀转移 |
检查溢流排水管是否泄漏 |
浮子已更换并调整正确 |
油马达和滑轮轴承 |
所有滑轮都拧紧并对齐 |
检查并调整皮带,必要时更换 |
发动机检查 |
泵检查 |
接好水,调整浮子 |
检查所有速度下的控制装置是否正常工作 |
检查所有连接点是否有泄漏 |
拆卸冷却器阻尼器 |
彻底关闭炉膛或加热系统 |
关闭炉膛煤气供应 |
在炉上安装阻尼器 |
检查家里的气流,确保所有通风口都有适当的气流 |
Some homeowners choose to get their coolers ready on their own because there are not that many mechanical components. 然而, there are some reasons you may want to consider a professional like TLC to get your cooler ready for summer to get the best cooling capacity for your cooler.
Before starting up your cooler each spring you need to thoroughly remove scale and buildup in the cooler. 这包括湿垫的配水管. If these tubes aren’t inspected and cleared of mineral build-up your pads won’t get wet and you’ll just be blowing warm air through your home. 建议采用该标准 沼泽冷却器垫 由于硬水积聚,每个季节都要更换. Mastercool/Aerocool pads should be replaced approximately every 4 years depending on how much hard water buildup they have. 我们的技术人员会 清洁沼泽冷却器垫 当启动时. If they are older than 4 years or have heavy hard water buildup they will recommend replacing the pads to increase cooling capacity.
Example: This homeowner did not clear out the distribution tube in his mastercool unit and the pads were not getting wet. 我们的TLC HVAC技术人员在移除堆积物之前和之后从通风口上读取了读数. The temperature before was 78° and after clearing the hard water blockage and saturating the pads the temperature coming out of the vents dropped to 68°.
如果你的沼泽冷却器在屋顶上,你可能很难进入. We always recommend calling TLC if you don’t feel comfortable getting up and down a ladder on your roof. Its always better to call a professional like us instead of risking your safety if you don’t feel comfortable on your roof. You may also need to make multiple trips up and down if you have to replace parts or have to troubleshoot the cooler.
当启动冷却器时,你需要检查你的马达, 风扇皮带, 浮动, 泵, 分配管. 如果其中任何一个坏了,你可能需要去五金店. 如果你不确定到底是什么导致了问题,有时会多次旅行. 通常,当你必须更换零件时,这可能会把你简单的启动变成一个一整天的项目. When you choose TLC our experts have all the replacement parts for all brands of coolers on their trucks. 他们可以迅速更换任何部件,可能需要让你的冷却器运行. 可能会节省你很多时间和麻烦.
Consider that it may take you several hours to get your cooler or coolers if you have multiple units started. If you run into problems or need to replace parts that could mean multiple trips to the home improvement store.
致电TLC宝博体育买球安排您的沼泽冷却器启动时间 (505) 761-9644
你需要打开多少扇窗户来放置冷却器取决于你家的大小和布局. 你应该在家里开一些窗户,让充足的空气通过你的家. The cooler works by pushing cooler air into the home and needs to push the hot air out through those windows.
我们建议在你想要降温的地方打开窗户. 通常我们发现人们没有足够的窗户. 你知道如果有很大的静压就没有足够的窗户打开. 当你打开家里的窗户或门时,你会觉得它粘住了吗? Or if you turn on your cooler and doors slam in your home then you don’t have enough windows open in your home. View our video below to learn how to balance the number of windows to maximize your cooling effectiveness.
如果你有一个标准的沼泽冷却器,你应该每年更换你的护垫. 标准冷却器有几种不同类型的衬垫. 你可以在我们的博客上了解更多关于最好的沼泽冷却器垫的信息.
If you have a mastercool or aerocool evaporative cooler you should replace those pads every 3-5 years depending on how hard your water is.
A standard swamp cooler will typically cool your home 10° – 15° lower than the outside temperature. 这取决于室外的湿度. 如果湿度上升,冷却效果就会下降. 这是宝博app官网每月的平均湿度. 这些只是平均值.
Mastercool和Breezair冷却器可以比标准冷却器更好地冷却. 它们的温度通常更低.
Our experts recommend replacing the pads, 浮动 and 泵 each year for standard evaporative coolers. Pads for standard coolers should be replaced before the beginning of each season to provide the best cooling ability. 如果浮子和泵因金属和水暴露而腐蚀或生锈,则应更换. 你的风扇皮带也应该检查裂缝.
When it comes to your swamp cooler you want to make sure you’re staying cool and comfortable all summer long. 你可以做一些简单的事情来改善你的沼泽冷却器的气流和性能. 这里有一些建议来帮助提高你的沼泽冷却器的性能.
确保你有足够的窗户或门打开,以获得足够的空气通过你的家 沼泽冷却器的冷却效果取决于室外的湿度. If these levels rise too high your cooler will have a harder time lowering the indoor temperature in your home. 在这种时候,许多房主会觉得他们的沼泽冷却器可能坏了. 这里有一些方法可以让你检查你是否有足够的空气流通.
- 当你开着冷却器的时候,你需要打开一些窗户,让空气流通到家里.
- 我们发现,大多数房主的家中没有足够的通风系统.
- Make sure you have windows open in the hottest parts of your house to bring cooler air into these areas.
The video below describes how to check the airflow in your home and make adjustments to maximize efficiency.
检查一下你的护垫是否湿了 – If you feel like your swamp cooler is not cooling effectively or feel hot air blowing from the vents, 你应该检查一下你的冷却器,确保你的护垫被弄湿了. 在地面上的沼泽冷却器便于检查垫. 硬水的积累会使你的护垫很难被弄湿. If you see that your pads aren’t getting wet or you don’t see water flowing freely from the distribution tube its time to call a professional if you don’t feel comfortable clearing the lines. 有时水管不能清理,必须更换. 也可能需要更换你的冷却器垫. if your cooler is on your roof and you don’t feel comfortable getting up there to check your pads please call TLC or another professional to evaluate the problem.
买一个沼泽冷却器 今年夏天,你想更好地控制家里的温度吗? 考虑将你的沼泽冷却器升级为数字恒温器. 沼泽冷却器数字恒温器可以让你更好地控制家里的冷却. Plus they help conserve energy by only running your cooler when your home reaches a certain temperature. TLC可以为你安装一个恒温器.
By maintaining your swamp cooler at the beginning and end of each season can also help you avoid unnecessary 维修 and problems. TLC’s professionals are experienced in getting your swamp cooler ready for summer and shutting it down in winter and inspecting your furnace or heating system. 如果你爬上屋顶感到不舒服,TLC随时为你服务. 请转到TLC为您的沼泽冷却器服务 维修 to 升级 TLC有你所有的冷却解决方案.